Ten-year liability

The ten-year guarantee is essential among the insurance policies specific to the construction sector. It protects you against any decennial challenge in the 10 years following the handover of the structure. Ten-year insurance for interior architects, ten-year contracting authority guarantee, ten-year developer's liability insurance, etc. Our advisers draw up tailor-made contracts for all construction professionals.

Assurance décennale

Ten-year guarantee in building insurance

Every builder is presumed to be liable for any defects in the work within ten years of handover. In fact, your liability may be incurred by the owner and by successive purchasers of the property for ten years.

Who should take out ten-year civil liability cover?

Taking out an insurance contract covering the ten-year guarantee is a matter for all builders of new or existing structures. It is not uncommon to find ten-year guarantee insurance dedicated to the various trades in the building and civil engineering and real estate sectors, including:

  • Ten-year guarantee for the study, consulting and management professions: Ten-year professional liability insurance for architects, ten-year insurance for interior designers.
  • Ten-year insurance for building and civil engineering professionals: ten-year general contractor's liability, ten-year artisan's (masons, electricians, plumbers) liability, ten-year technician's liability, ten-year contractor's liability.

In addition, the contracting authority also has an obligation to take out Structural Damage insurance.

Construction and property development insurance: is ten-year liability cover compulsory?

It is compulsory to be covered by a ten-year civil liability policy when construction, extension and renovation work is undertaken. It is governed by the Spinetta law.

It must be taken out before the start of the construction site and is justified by a ten-year liability insurance certificate. In addition, if the property is resold within ten years of handover, the insurance certificate is attached to the sales contract.

What does the ten-year insurance policy cover?

The ten-year builders' guarantee covers defects that render the building unfit for its purpose or that compromise the solidity of the structure: foundations and framework (cracks in walls and floors), viability (network, sewerage), roads, as well as equipment that cannot be dissociated from the building (pipes, central heating, door and window frames, etc.).

Which ten-year guarantee should I take out?

As an insurance broker for over 100 years, we have been developing ten-year insurance policies for the construction industry. Our dedicated department masters the technical and legal aspects to give you the best possible protection against any risks encountered before, during and after the work.

Our team conducts an initial study to propose a level of protection dedicated to your activity and the nature of the real estate project. You receive the ten-year certificate as soon as you take out the policy so that you can quickly meet your legal obligations. Throughout the duration of the contract, you benefit from a single intermediary to provide you with the best advice.